Twenty Six Days Post Surgery

Yes, you read my title correctly. I am 26 days post gastric sleeve surgery. It has been a whirlwind since January 14th, 2015, when I received the phone call giving me my surgery date, January 27th. I had to get some bloodwork done, see the hematologist, do the presurgery clinic with the anastegiologist, do my monthly appt with my family doctor, get my home organized, cook a ton of soup, get it blended and in the freezer, but I managed to get everything done.

My father and I left here, to make a 75 minute drive, at 230am, as we were waiting for a winter storm to hit, and we were worried about it hitting on our way, so we left with plenty of time to get to the hospital for a 6am intake appt, with a 730am surgery.

Everything went text book perfect, except the really bad low blood sugar an hour before surgery. However, shortly before I was put to sleep, the anastegiologis iv pushed dextrose and within seconds I was normal and surgery went ahead.

A couple hours later, I was in my hospital bed and on my way to being ready for the new me.

I spent 3 days in hospital, came home and have been losing weight steadily. On TTuesday february 24th, I get to advance from a liquid diet to mashed food. I am looking forward to some squash.