Midnight Cravings and Other Mundane Things

It has been a week since I last had a taste of nicotine and last night the cravings were bad.  I tried the tried and true method of eating carrots sticks and drinking ice cold water but to no avail.  I then decided I would have a can of tomato soup with crackers and that seemed to do the trick.  Unfortunately, I ended up having a simple carbohydrate, which I have been avoiding for nearly 2 months. Today my goal is to find good, healthy alternatives to simple carbs and nicotine to get me through the worst of the worst cravings.

It is a gorgeous, sunny day here in The Annapolis Valley, in Nova Scotia.  The sun is high and shining, but it deceives even the most experienced of our citizens.  It is a cold morning.  I went for a walk nearly an hour ago and the temperature was a balmy -10 C, but feels more like -15 C with the wind chill.  It is still a nice day out, the calm before the storm.  I will have to get up early again tomorrow morning to get out for a walk, if I can.  If I can’t, then I will shovel my walkway, since we are on the verge of yet another Wednesday blizzard. I don’t know about you, but I am pretty damn sick and tired of snow.

Well, time to get some work done around here.  Until next time, think of a way to kill those midnight cravings.  There must be a healthy way of going about it without having to always eat carrot sticks.  Ciao.



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