WLS and soul searching

I have had to do a lot of research, a lot of soul searching and decision  making to get to the point in my life that I am now.  I have had seven years to decide if weight loss surgery is really the way to go for me, or should I **diet** until I am considered just “over weight” rather than morbidly obese.  It was not a decision that I made lightly, it was not something that I decided overnight or even in a few days, like so many other decisions we are faced with.

I finally decided that weight loss surgery was for me because it is a lifestyle change that I have implemented. I have changed my eating habits, I have worked hard at giving up caffeine, working on giving up nicotine, I no longer smoke pot for pain relief and I never drank enough alcohol for it to be an issue giving up.

Giving up nicotine has been my hardest battle, but it is a war I will win. I am determined, and know that only good and great things will come with abolishing the slavery to nicotine that I face each day.

My biggest fear in giving up cigarettes is the weight gain, irritability and the shakes. The emotional roller coaster is the worst part of becoming a non smoker. I can go from being your best friend in the world to a bitch in a nano second. I do not look forward to that.

This coming Sunday I start my two week liquid food intake only. The guidelines that are given to each of the candidates for WLS must be able to begin and maintain the pre surgery diet, as it is what the first few days after surgery that we will be getting for food. Anything that pours like yogurt or thinner is what our food consistency must be.

If you are ever interested in about seventy five pages of light reading about the surgery, how it is done, how it works, the five stages of diet, etc, here is the link to the WLS Binder.

I hope to begin updating every day but some times life gets bogged down with so many other things, such as packing to move and appointments, but nevertheless, I shall update as much as possible. This is simply a way for all of my friends and family members to follow my progress through my journey to a healthier me.