Spring has almost sprung

It has been a long and very brutal Winter here in Nova Scotia, heck in Canada.  It seemed that we got a snow storm every Wednesday for 3 solid months, but it wasn’t quite that long.  I shoveled my walk way every few days, whereas last year, I shoveled it maybe 4 times the whole Winter season.  My point is is that I got a lot of exercise because of the snow.

Now that Spring has nearly sprung, I will be getting out every day for a walk, no matter the weather.  I will walk each day shortly after I have my supper and hopefully walk for half an hour or longer.  I am still on track with my new lifestyle, no nicotine, no alcohol, no pot, and just a cup or two of tea on those days where I need a little bit of pick me up.

I started this entry a few days ago and am now just getting around to finishing it.

I have many goals set, one being getting down to 250 lbs and I will buy myself an elliptical machine and when I get below 200 lbs I will buy a whole new wardrobe. But the biggest goal for me is to get to my pre insulin weight of 175. It seems like a pipe dream right now but I have started the journey to reaching those goals. Maybe in 2 years I will be down to my pre insulin days. I am looking forward to that day.

There are a lot of stops on my journey to being 175 lbs, I Know I will stumble and fall, I will slide backwards, but as long as I keep my eye on the ball, I will win. I will win this battle of obesity. I would like to one day be able to say “I was once obese, but now, I am healthy, fit and love my life.” Powerful words but have so much meaning to me. I hope that when that day comes, that there will be people like me, now, can look up to me as inspiration.

PS: Today is day six without a cigarette… I had a bad craving over the weekend but I was able to get through it with carrot sticks and ice water…


I don’t know about you, but finding inspiration is tough for me.  Do I find it in another person? In a book? In doing something, anything?  My lifestyle change inspiration comes from NS Fit Bitch.  

She has struggled her whole life with her weight, her health and many other obstacles that would make a normal person want to give up.  But, she has persevered and is now a healthy, fit, wonderful, and encouraging lady.  She is my inspiration.

She is someone I have always looked up to, not just because I am short, but because she is this amazing woman who taken her fair share of knocks in life and fought back to be stronger and better.  Her workout routine seems extreme to most but for her, it helps her with her mental health, it helps her get the aggression out if she has any built up and it just makes her feel good, if not great, about herself.  She is simply amazing.

I hope she can find some inspiration in my journey as I find in hers.


Couch Potato

I am a couch potato… I would much rather sit and play solitaire, or sit and read or sit and watch nonsense on the television than actually get up and do something.  This is one of my challenges when it comes to the lifestyle changes I am making.

If you know me, you know how much I love to read.  I could read all day and not even realize the day has simply gone by.  In fact, I have done this. Spent the day in my pj’s, drank cup after cup of tea and read, then realize it has gone way beyond the supper hour.

This is one of the struggles I am facing. Finding the inspiration and the want-to to get up and workout. I need to find the workout that works best for me. I have done weight lifting using soup cans and am going to invest in some good weights. At least that way when I am in couch potato mode, I can sit and do the lifts to tone my arms and shoulders.

This is a journey towards changing my life, being a healthier me. I have a lot of support in my life right now and hope that all of my supporters continue to be with me while going through these changes. There will be times when I will want to quit and give up, but nothing that is worth keeping, is easy to obtain.

I hope that one day someone can look towards me and see me as an example and as a supporter as they take stock and want to change their life to be a healthier person.